LV Interior Design 2021-24
Architecture project, Ana Almeida JFA
“Se na nossa cidade há muito quem troque o ”b” por ”v”, há pouco quem troque a liberdade pela servidão.” Almeida Garrett
Porto is a city that has always been conected with freedom, which has its history linked to the first and revolutionary movements in Portugal. It was in Porto that the Liberal Revolution took place. We can also related Porto to the first ideas that make the 5th of October revolution, which marks the establishment of the Republic.
Numerous important personalities responsible for the establishment of freedom in Portugal are linked to Porto. Almeida Garret, Ferreira Borges, Mouzinho da Silveira, Fernandes Tomás, those are men that played a relevant paper in the city and in the country's liberation, and we can use their messages.
This is also a cosmopolitan and vibrant city, we are inspired by the city itself. And also the energy that we associate to it’s shapes and colors and can be read as this freedom feeling.
In de interior design project, will try to explore this “freedom concept”, with the use of iconic shapes and contrasting tones and inspiring gradients of color. This concepts also characterizes the Holiday Inn brand and therefore, we think will have here a perfect match!
3D study images @Nuno Trajano